All year.
Take a quick peak at the elevation profile. Because you’ll see the rolling hills that keep you headed generally downhill for the first half of the course, then back up for the second half.
This circular route starts on a paved road with a some traffic, but soon turns off onto a small gravel road. You’ll cut through farmlands which then mix into forests and back to more farmlands. We thought the route got more beautiful as we went along, but it could have been the endorphins kicking in!
At the intersection of C310 and C312, about 19 Km south of Oatlands. Park in dirt area just off the east side of the road.
We recommend a red blinky light with rear looking radar detector (i.e. Garmin Varia)
There is also a longer version of this route that we have listed as a training route. We mapped, but did not ride miles 28 to 50 (Km’s 45 to 80).
Have you ridden this route? Got a question? Join the discussion!