The spectacular views from Zabriskie Point are some of the most photographed in Death Valley National Park. Named in honor of Christian Zabriskie, a prominent figure in the heyday of the Pacific Coast Borax Company, Zabriskie Point affords an elevated vista from which to marvel at the badlands below. These yellow and brown striped hills have been shaped by the powerful force of water, and even during dry times, the path carved by this water is unmistakable. Gazing beyond the badlands, views of the salt flats covering the floor of Death Valley are visible in the distance, with the hulk of the Panamint Mountains towering above. [National Park Service]
These badlands have been the setting for scenes from popular films including Star Wars Episode VI. Scenes from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, were filmed here. Do you recognize the landscape around Jabba the Hutt’s palace? [National Park Service]
For many people, nothing symbolizes Death Valley more than the famous Twenty Mule Teams. These “big teams” pulled massive wagons hauling borax from the Harmony Borax Works near Furnace Creek to the railhead near Mojave, a grueling 165 mile, ten-day trip across primitive roads. Although the teams only ran for six years–1883 to 1889–they have made an enduring impression of the Old West. This is primarily due to a successful advertising campaign promoting 20-Mule-Team Borax Soap and the long-running Death Valley Days radio and television program. Today the twenty mule teams are only a fond memory, but you may see two of the last remaining wagons here in Death Valley. One is in front of the Furnace Creek Ranch and the other is at Harmony Borax Works. [Read more from the National Park Service]
October to April, when the temperatures are reasonable.
A highly scenic and unique gravel ride. Short in distance, accessible to most riders. The climbing is very moderate, usually less than 4% grade with the exception of two short bumps, they pitch up to over 10%, but can be walked.
The ride starts and finishes with a short segment along Highway 190. There is a good shoulder.
The gravel sector winds through colorful, eroded badlands, slightly uphill. Afternoon and morning light cause the erosion in the hills to become highlighted and shadowed, creating spectacular contrast and ample photo opportunities.
Zabriskie Point parking area. Pit toilets. No water.
We rode this on a Salsa Cutthroat adventure bike with Rene Herse Fleecer Ridge 2.2″ tires. We were over biked.
This is one of the more frequented dirt roads in death valley, expect light vehicle traffic.
We recommend a red blinky light for both the paved and gravel riding.
The gravel sector is one way.
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