Bighorn sheep in the Deschutes River area went extinct in the 1940s, but thanks to a reintroduction effort in the early 1990s, their population has grown to 600. Learn how to spot these muscular creatures among the basalt cliffs with wildlife biologist Jeremy Thompson in this 2-minute video.
This 5-minute video highlights the tremendous value of partnerships to enhance and preserve the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding private lands in Harney Basin. The issues facing th Basin are larger than any one person, group or agency can address alone, but together, […]
Two stunning geological formations in Central Oregon offer a wealth of insights into the beauty and complexity of these balancing or “ghost” rocks. Shaped by volcanic activity and erosion over millions of years, our resident “rock doctor” Dr. Kim Ely explains how the cliffs were formed, highlighting four distinct geological […]
Located in Harney Basin in eastern Oregon, Malheur Lake sits within the 187,000 acres of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, an area that is an important wildlife habitat. Aquatic Biologist, […]
Discover the mysteries of the Newberry Caldera and its volcanic activities spanning half a million years. Whether you are riding Creek to Peak or looking for thermals, Ranger Randy and Dr. Daniel McKay of University of Oregon answer many of your questions about this […]
Welcome to Pine Mountain Observatory, nestled in the serene landscapes of Oregon about 34 miles southeast of Bend. In this episode, we unveil the highlights of the night sky with our guest, “astro monk” Alton Luke, Head of Operations at Pine Mountain […]
Do you ever see some bright green, shrubby looking creature on a gravel ride? This organism is likely Letharia Vulpina (and no it does not have magic or poisonous powers like a spell) which is also knows as Wolf Lichen. Bryologist, mycologist, and lichenologist Tim Wheeler works to dedicate his life studies towards nonvascular plants and […]
Curious about beavers: Where do beavers live? What’s their impact on other wildlife? How do they impact the surrounding property where they live? When should we reintroduce them? Can you relocate a beaver? Are they a protected species in Oregon? How have the laws recently changed about beavers?
The juniper tree is an iconic tree across Central and Eastern Oregon and yet, in some places they are being removed. Find out the real scoop about this unique tree from Gena Goodman-Campbell who is the Stewardship Director at ONDA (Oregon Natural Desert Association) where she works to engage volunteers in hands-on restoration projects in […]
In this 7-minute video (a great watch!) we take a look to the landscape to better understand wildfires in Oregon and ensure our favorite places thrive for generations to come.
Wolf Rock is the largest monolith in Oregon. The rock is about 900ft tall. The summit has an elevation of 4535ft. The rock is an old volcanic plug that had its surrounding soil erode away. Video by McKenzie River Drone Photography.
Did you know Lake Billy Chinook is co-managed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and the state of Oregon? That it is important for both power generation and fisheries. And that it is a reservoir, not a lake, at the confluence of three rivers: The Deschutes, the Crooked, and the Metolius. […]
Have you ever wondered what Central Oregon once was? Tropical Forests. Exploding volcanoes. Mudslides. Gigantic animals with names like Thunderbeast and Entelodonts. In this 20-minute video learn about this and a whole lot more!
“What happened here?” That is a common reaction many have after seeing the immediate impact of the tree thinning and forest mowing work in the Phil’s network of trails. In this podcast, we talk with Melanie Fisher from the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project to discuss the ongoing work to restore the forest back to a […]
You will find these rocky columnar cliffs in Eastern and Central Oregon, but what exactly happened to form these unique structures? In this podcast, we talk with our resident rock doctor, Dr. Kim Ely.
There are only 10-15% of old-growth forests left in Oregon. Erik Fernandez, Wilderness Program Manager, from Oregon Wild describes old-growth forests and how we can work on doing our parts to help protect the little old-growth we have left.
In June of 2014, two fires started nearly simultaneously sweeping through the Skyline Forest which have become known as the Two Bulls Fire complex. Paul Dewey, Founder of Central Oregon Land Watch describes “the mushroom cloud” and the significance of the fires just outside of Bend, Oregon.
Ryan Ranch area was homesteaded in the 1890s. In the 1920s a berm along the Deschutes River was constructed to keep the river from flooding valuable pasture land. Prior to this, the area historically functioned as an emergent freshwater marsh that was connected to surface flows from the Deschutes River. In the early 2010s, the meadow was […]
What! It is not public land? Ben Gordon, Executive Director of Central Oregon Land Watch, joins us to discuss a large area of private land called Skyline Forest and what the future entails for this 33,000 acres of land.
The rock doctor is in the house! Dr. Kim Ely discusses about the unique geological features of Hayrick Butte, a rare type of volcano located in the Willamette National Forest next to the Hoodoo ski area in Central Oregon.
Learn more about Forest Service road decommissioning, how this impacts us as cyclists, and what we can do to help. Joining us is Brock McCormick who is a Biologist with the Deschutes National Forest in Central Oregon.