
Neskowin Ghost Forest on the Oregon Coast

Uncover the fascinating history behind this unique landmark with Ryan Parker, a beach ranger from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. In this episode, we discover how a massive Cascadia earthquake in 1700 led to the preservation of ancient trees, whose stumps now emerge from the sand at low tide. Through these geological processes, […]

The Biscuit Fire (2002)

A quick 2-minute video about the 2002 Biscuit Fire, one of the largest wildfires ever in Oregon: learn how it impacted the lands and people. By Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Oregon Sand Dunes

Dr. Win McLaughlin, a geology professor at Southwestern Oregon Community College, provides us with a deep understanding of the geology, history, and ecology of the Oregon coast. The Oregon coast is filled with unique geology which is characterized by its young age and the presence of sand dunes formed during the ice ages. She describes how […]

Weather Watching (the Oregon Coast)

We delve into the intricacies of weather patterns along the Oregon coast with Dr. Paul Loikith, an Associate Professor of Weather and Climate Science at Portland State University. Dr. Leuketh provides valuable insights into heavy storms called atmospheric rivers–powerful storms that bring heavy rain and strong winds to the region. He […]

Navigating Landlocked Public Lands: Insights from a GIS Specialist

Join us as we explore the intersection of gravel cycling and public land access, uncovering the untapped potential of landlocked areas for outdoor enthusiasts. Our GIS Specialist, Ben Purcell, who has been working with the Bureau of Land Management since 2017 happens to be a bit of a map enthusiast himself and delves into the potential […]

Log Trucks: Rider Safety Part II

This episode is part of our logging series which covers topics in safety, education, and what we need to know as recreationalists in active logging areas. In this episode, we connect back with Jennifer Beathe, Forester and Outreach manager of Starker Forests and Austin Finster, owner and operator of Finster Forestry. We have an open […]

Log Trucks: General Logging Operations

In this episode, the Dirty Freehub team goes on a tour to Alder Creek Tree farm with Jennifer Beathe, Forester and Outreach Manager of Starker Forests. During the ride to Alder Creek Tree farm in Corvallis, Oregon, we dive into identifying the recreational and rider safety around logging operations, the dangers involved in this type of […]

Log Trucks: Rider Safety Part I

In this episode, the Dirty Freehub team goes on a tour to Alder Creek Tree farm with Jennifer Beathe, Forester and Outreach Manager of Starker Forests. During the ride to Alder Creek Tree farm in Corvallis, Oregon, we dive into identifying the recreational and rider safety around logging operations, the dangers involved in this type of […]

Red Alder Trees

If you’ve ever cycled through Oregon, you might have passed under the canopy of a Red Alder tree. In this episode, we chat with Glenn Ahrens, an extension forester from Oregon State University, about everything related to alders and conifers. We’ll also explore various tree species native to Oregon, learn how to identify them, […]

Wolverines – Fact or Fiction?

Jason Kirchner joins us from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Newport, Oregon to dive into one of nature’s most enigmatic creatures: the wolverine. As the District Wildlife Biologist, he answers questions like: What are wolverines? What do they look like? How do they behave? Where do they reside? Separating fact from fiction, we […]

Deceptive Waters of Malheur Lake

Located in Harney Basin in eastern Oregon, Malheur Lake sits within the 187,000 acres of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, an area that is an important wildlife habitat. Aquatic Biologist, […]

Beauty out of Chaos: Sand Dunes

Learn all about sand dunes! How they form. How they move. What sand is. This is a fascinating and informative watch. 16 minutes.

The Mysteries of the Newberry Caldera

Discover the mysteries of the Newberry Caldera and its volcanic activities spanning half a million years. Whether you are riding ⁠Creek to Peak⁠ or looking for thermals, Ranger Randy and Dr. Daniel McKay of University of Oregon answer many of your questions about this […]

Pine Mountain Observatory: Exploring the Cosmos

Welcome to Pine Mountain Observatory, nestled in the serene landscapes of Oregon about 34 miles southeast of Bend. In this episode, we unveil the highlights of the night sky with our guest, “astro monk” Alton Luke, Head of Operations at Pine Mountain […]

Jumping Cholla: Does This Cacti Really Jump?

Have you ever encountered a jumping cacti? More specifically, the jumping cholla cactus in Arizona? If you have ridden our⁠ Rock Art ⁠or ⁠Bring a Fork⁠ routes in Arizona then you have dodged more than a few of these spiky cacti. Today we interview Peter Breslin who […]

Wolf Lichen

Do you ever see some bright green, shrubby looking creature on a gravel ride? This organism is likely Letharia Vulpina (and no it does not have magic or poisonous powers like a spell) which is also knows as Wolf Lichen. Bryologist, mycologist, and lichenologist Tim Wheeler works to dedicate his life studies towards nonvascular plants and […]

The Most Dangerous Plant in the Desert

In this 2-minute video learn about the jumping (Teddy Bear) cholla and all its prickly tricks from savage backward pointing barbs that are sharp enough to pierce flesh.

All Things Beavers

Curious about beavers: Where do beavers live? What’s their impact on other wildlife? How do they impact the surrounding property where they live? When should we reintroduce them? Can you relocate a beaver? Are they a protected species in Oregon? How have the laws recently changed about beavers?

Listen to our interview with […]

Wild Burros: Helpful or Harmful?

They may be cute … but are wild burros actually helpful or harmful? Dr. Erick Lundgren who is an ecologist with a lot of research concerning wild burros, […]

Controversial Juniper Trees

The juniper tree is an iconic tree across Central and Eastern Oregon and yet, in some places they are being removed. Find out the real scoop about this unique tree from Gena Goodman-Campbell who is the Stewardship Director at ONDA (Oregon Natural Desert Association) where she works to engage volunteers in hands-on restoration projects in […]

Sopori Creek, Cerro Colorado Mountains

Sopori Creek is one of the Sonoran Desert’s treasures, with attributes unique to the area. Find out why in this video featuring expert voices from the Arizona Land and Water Trust and Pima County Office of Sustainability and Conservation. Pima County voters supported bonds to protect Sopori Creek. Find out why this area is so important for […]

Risk Takers: Forest Firefighters

See what it is really like to battle a forest fire in this 52-minute on-the-ground video with Canadian Forest Firefighters.

Living with Fire: An Oregon Story

In this 7-minute video (a great watch!) we take a look to the landscape to better understand wildfires in Oregon and ensure our favorite places thrive for generations to come.

Wolf Rock

Wolf Rock is the largest monolith in Oregon. The rock is about 900ft tall. The summit has an elevation of 4535ft. The rock is an old volcanic plug that had its surrounding soil erode away. Video by McKenzie River Drone Photography.