Through sponsorship and personal donations, we hope to cover our yearly operating costs. If you enjoyed one of our awesome routes, we would encourage you to make a donation. We deeply appreciate it! We’ve included our yearly budget below and we’ve included our outcomes.

2022 Operating Budget: $90,000 Total

Technology / Website: $30,000

  • Over 150+ pages and 40,000 images
  • Web hosting (i.e. high speed, WordPress optimized server)
  • Web and Mobile templates
  • Web tools (image optimization, site optimization, cache features, SEO, CDN’s, maps, etc.)
  • Image storage
  • Backups (2 site backup)
  • Navigation and emergency rescue devices and subscriptions
  • Mapping technologies and subscriptions
  • Technical consulting
  • Total Redesign of the website

Marketing: $5,000

  • Ball caps / T-shirts / Water bottles (for promotional give aways and thank you gifts)
  • Stickers
  • Flyers
  • Business Cards
  • Seminar supplies

Content Creation: $44,000

  • Basic admin support to work on the website

General Supplies: $1,000

  • Partner Entertainment
  • Office Supplies

Legal, Accounting and Insurance: $10,000

  • Nonprofit formation and application to IRS
  • Trademark rights / protection (ongoing)
  • Insurance
  • Miscellaneous

Note: Funds are not used for transportation for finding routes, or purchasing the vehicles with Dirty Freehub logos. Route ambassadors and board members are volunteers.

Our Successes


  • Total: 200+ Routes Guides (over 10,000 miles)
  • Route Metrics (average): 41 miles with 3,369 Feet of Gain
  • Seminars Conducted
    • Riding Southern Arizona Gravel / February 2020
    • Riding Gravel in Tasmania (repeat of February seminar) / May 2019
    • Toss Your Tubes / April 2019
    • Navigating with a Wahoo / April 2019
    • Navigating with a Garmin / March 2019
    • Riding Gravel in Tasmania / February 2019
    • Gravel 101 – Intro to Gravel / Spring 2018
    • Gravel 201 – The Tech of Gravel / Spring 2018
    • Gravel 201 – Tubeless / Spring 2018
    • Gravel 301 – Navigation / Spring 2018
  • Dirty Freehub in the press
  • Gravel Rides
    • In 2019
      • Earth Day Gravel ride and trash clean up. 15 riders, 12+ bags of trash collected from the Horse to Horse route.
    • In 2018
      • 42 community rides organized and led (via BACE Meetup)
      • 452 participants
    • The BACE Meetup has 3,000+ members has hosted 1,500 events. Founded 2013. Gravel Girl is the overall organizer of BACE and Kevin is a Ride Organizer  

Online Metrics

  • Website: ~ 8,000 visitors / 30,000 page views a month
  • Approximately 12,000 people following us via Facebook, Instagram, newsletter.

This Year / What We are Working in 2022

  • Further route development / promotion including more Ride Ambassadors
  • Challenges and trivia added to the routes
  • Seminars
  • Leading rides through BACE Meetup Group
  • Partnerships with conservation organizations, economic development organizations, bike shops, and bike related businesses