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Clipping Fins!

Wildlife technicians use various methods to clip adipose fins so that anglers can differentiate between wild and hatchery salmon. In this 2-minute video, learn what is an adipose fin, how wild and hatchery-raised fish are different, and what fish you can bring home.

The Nez Perce Last Stand

This 20-minute video explores the compelling history of the Nez Perce Indians and their significant battles against white settlers in the late 1800s. It delves into broken treaties and lost trust, recounting the long marches across the West and the strategic efforts to protect their ancestral lands, highlighting the broader implications of these conflicts in American history.

If you don’t know this story, we encourage you to take the time to learn more. [Video by the US Forest Service]

Wind Turbines

Bike rides always give us a chance to meet interesting people, which is how we met David Anthes who knows a whole lot about wind turbines. Because so many of our bike routes go by wind turbines, we decided to find out more. David is a rope access technician on wind turbines all over the world who is also a cyclist in Bend, Oregon. Listen in as Chris Kutach interviews David. How big are these structures? How much power do they put out? What is it really like to repair one of these structures while dangling from a rope? What are some of the common problems with wind turbines?

Broken Treaties

For thousands of years, more than 60 Native American tribes lived in Oregon’s diverse environmental regions. At least 18 languages were spoken across hundreds of villages. This civilizational fabric became unraveled in just a few short decades upon contact with white settlers in the 19th century. In this 60-minute Oregon Public Broadcasting documentary, Native Oregonians reflect on what has been lost since and what’s next for their tribes.

Fern Hobbs

Meet the remarkable woman Fern Hobbs, Oregon Governor Oswald West’s private secretary who was sent on a mission on New Year’s Day 1914 to shut down the lawless town of Copperfield on the Snake River. This is a biography of one of the most courageous and important women of early Oregon history. Produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting, ~ 30 minutes in length.

Massacre at Hells Canyon

A look at the history and culture of Chinese immigrants in NE Oregon and greater Oregon, including the massacre of 34 Chinese gold miners in 1887 along the Snake River near Dug Bar. This 27-minute piece is by Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB).

Lake Billy Chinook: The History

Did you know Lake Billy Chinook is co-managed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and the state of Oregon? That it is important for both power generation and fisheries. And that it is a reservoir, not a lake, at the confluence of three rivers: The Deschutes, the Crooked, and the Metolius. Scott Elnes of Central Oregon Daily tells us more in this 5-minute video.

Pine Mountain Observatory: Stargazing Oregon’s Dark Sky

A 15-minute video describing the Pine Mountain Observatory and showing views that can be observed from the telescopes under dark skies.

Kinzua – The Shuttering of a Town

A compilation of news videos (8 minutes) from 1978 discussing the closure of the Kinzua mill and the razing of the town. Super fascinating!

What Is Gravel Cycling, and How Can I Get Started?

I’m always ready to take the road less traveled. It’s a trait that recently led me to gravel cycling, a catchall term to describe riding on a mix of unpaved surfaces — trails, fire roads, and singletrack, any of which might contain some loose or crushed rock and stone. Sure, sometimes that means I carry […]

Road 2 Gravel

Thinking about transitioning from road riding to gravel cycling? Join us in a fun conversation between Linda English (aka Gravel Girl and Executive Director of Dirty Freehub) and Kira Corbett (overall badass in cycling) as we talk about everything around the challenges and joys to making the switch from road to gravel. From route planning, what to expect in gravel, riding etiquette and gear. (Photo by Andrew Murray.)

John Day Fossil Beds – The Units

The John Day Fossil Beds National Monument has 3 distinct units separated by 40 miles or more. In this short 2-mintue video learn where each unit is and what is special about it.

John Day Fossil Beds -Wow!

Have you ever wondered what Central Oregon once was? Tropical Forests. Exploding volcanoes. Mudslides. Gigantic animals with names like Thunderbeast and Entelodonts. In this 20-minute video learn about this and a whole lot more!

The Newberry National Volcanic Monument

This video explains the volcanic history of and science behind the Newberry National Volcanic Monument.

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods

A 4-minute video describing what glacial lake outburst floods look like.

A Sisters Murder Mystery

Three Sisters Historical Society & Museum recounts the twists and turns of a 1919 unsolved murder in Sisters. Can you crack the case?

Mosquito Festival

Have you ever driven through Paisley, Oregon and noticed the advertisement for the Paisley Mosquito Festival? Is it really a festival about mosquitos? Today we talk with one of the festival’s organizers, Amy Davis, to learn about a festival that may very well involve mosquitoes. Sure would be fun to polish off the Milk and Honey gravel bike route and then head on over to the Mosquito Festival!

Mosquito Festival Website:

Clear Lake: The Underwater Forest

Videographer Matt Cook takes us on a tour of Clear Lake, including under the surface where skeleton trunks of a millennia-old forest stand preserved in its frigid waters.

Early Logging Along the McKenzie

What were life and logging like along the McKenzie River in western Oregon in generations past? This picture history includes photos from the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Deschutes River – Change the Story

The Deschutes River runs through the heart of Central Oregon. For the past century, the river has been managed to serve irrigation needs. This has had a negative impact on flows and the health of the river. Together with our community, the Deschutes River Conservancy is helping to change the story of the Deschutes River.

Rockhounding Minerals at the Apex Mine

If you are a rockhound, watch this quick 2-minute video! In the tailings of the old Apex Mine, there are some beautiful rocks with blue Azurite and green Malachite.

Exploring Bloomington Cave

Exploring Bloomington Cave in the St. George area of Southern Utah. Don’t watch if you’re claustrophobic!

WebCyclery – 25 Years!

WebCyclery, a bike shop in Bend, Oregon is celebrating their 25th anniversary. Let’s catch up with Owner, Kevin Gorman, as he talks about how it all began. What makes WebCyclery different and the story behind moving the shop into a former church. How has his family been involved in building the business and what is Kevin’s favorite Central Oregon gravel route.

This podcast is sponsored by the Bend Cultural Tourism Fund.

The Sumpter Gold Dredge

The Sumpter Valley Gold Dredge is one of the last remaining giant gold dredges in the US. In this 10-minute video learn a bit about the history, current status, and how the dredge worked.