In this 2-minute video learn about the jumping (Teddy Bear) cholla and all its prickly tricks from savage backward pointing barbs that are sharp enough to pierce flesh.
Curious about beavers: Where do beavers live? What’s their impact on other wildlife? How do they impact the surrounding property where they live? When should we reintroduce them? Can you relocate a beaver? Are they a protected species in Oregon? How have the laws recently changed about beavers?
Listen to our interview with […]
They may be cute … but are wild burros actually helpful or harmful? Dr. Erick Lundgren who is an ecologist with a lot of research concerning wild burros, […]
The juniper tree is an iconic tree across Central and Eastern Oregon and yet, in some places they are being removed. Find out the real scoop about this unique tree from Gena Goodman-Campbell who is the Stewardship Director at ONDA (Oregon Natural Desert Association) where she works to engage volunteers in hands-on restoration projects in […]
Sopori Creek is one of the Sonoran Desert’s treasures, with attributes unique to the area. Find out why in this video featuring expert voices from the Arizona Land and Water Trust and Pima County Office of Sustainability and Conservation. Pima County voters supported bonds to protect Sopori Creek. Find out why this area is so important for […]
See what it is really like to battle a forest fire in this 52-minute on-the-ground video with Canadian Forest Firefighters.
In this 7-minute video (a great watch!) we take a look to the landscape to better understand wildfires in Oregon and ensure our favorite places thrive for generations to come.
Wolf Rock is the largest monolith in Oregon. The rock is about 900ft tall. The summit has an elevation of 4535ft. The rock is an old volcanic plug that had its surrounding soil erode away. Video by McKenzie River Drone Photography.
Get out and discover Capitol Forest, a 110,000-acre working forest near Olympia, WA. A quick 1-minute intro video.
… by Kevin B English
Strava is a “social network for athletes,” it offers a space for individuals to track their exercise, share their achievements, and engage in friendly competitions. For me, Strava and other social networks like Ride With GPS do a great job of inspiring me to get outside and exercise. Recently Strava and other […]
Yep, goats can be a super-useful tool in clearing weeds and building defensible spaces for fire safety. And they are versatile, cost effective, environmentally green, less noisy than mechanized methods, and highly effective. Learn a bit in this 1-minute video.
In this short 2-minute learn what a pyroclastic volcanic flow is. This super-cool video that made us a bit smarter.
Geologist Nick Zentner digs into the incredible geologic history responsible for the rock formations in the Teanaway Community Forest. Would you believe palm trees once grew here?
Ken Wu, former Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Ancient Forest Alliance, has spent years protecting ancient forests in British Columbia. A major player in protecting Big Lonely Doug, Ken tells how he named the iconic Doug Fir. He also talks about how the indigenous people of Canada play a vital role in protecting these iconic trees […]
Not your average canyon. The Yakima River was there first and then the canyon walls around it lifted up!
The Aspen Tree. The coolest tree ever? Groves clone themselves! Groves can be hundreds, if not thousands of years old. This 7-minute video explores the uniqueness of the Aspen Tree via the Pando clone in Utah that is approximately 80,000 years old.
Meet TJ Watt, Big Tree Hunter, co-founder of the Ancient Forest Alliance and an award-winning nature and conservation photographer from British Columbia whose images have helped bolster campaigns to secure the protection of important environmental areas.
In this episode, TJ explains how he got interested in big trees, what it’s […]
In Southern Arizona you might be lucky enough to see Sonoran pronghorns. In this podcast, we learn from Stephanie Fuest, the lead wildlife biologist for the recovery of the endangered Sonoran pronghorn. She walks us through the history of the species in the area, recovery efforts, and best practices should you encounter one while […]
What is a fish hatchery? Why are they important? What fish do they raise? What impacts the survival of the fish? Our guest is Kyle Bratcher who is a District Fish Biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and he will discuss fish hatcheries with an emphasis on the Wallowa Hatchery in Enterprise, OR.
We promise, the […]
Ever visited a location from your favorite book? Cool, right? Dirty Freehub’s new READ & RIDE allows you to do just that! READ & RIDE matches 5-star gravel routes with books to create a memorable journey. Read to learn, then ride to bring the pages to life! No worries if books aren’t your jam — you can still learn about the […]
The Wallowa Mountains in NE Oregon have the most complicated and longest geological history of any range in Oregon. In this podcast, we talk with Dr. Kim Ely, a geologist, about this unique and beautiful area. Learn how to “untangle what you see” when riding in the Wallowas!
Learn a bit more about the majestic, and endangered, Desert Bighorn Sheep in this 3-minute video by the Park Service.
Ecologist Kristina Young talks about the importance of Biocrust to the Moab desert. It’s the glue that holds everything together! Learn more in this 3-minute video.
Know before you go! This is a must watch. It has helpful tips and advice to help you plan your trip and Leave No Trace while out in these pristine areas.