Lands / NE Oregon

Wilson-Haun Wallowa River Project

Learn about this collaborative project between the Wilson-Haun family and Trout Unlimited to restore a section of the Wallowa river near Lostine, Oregon. Their work restored the river’s natural flow, slowing water, replenishing groundwater, and creating essential habitats for salmon, steelhead, lamprey, and other wildlife. Crews dug side […]

Cycling with Dogs!

When it comes to cycling in rural areas, there is a chance you may cross paths with dogs. How do you know if they are aggressive? What happens if you get bit? In this podcast, we join two different perspectives – a K-9 officer and a veterinarian with a background in canine behavior. Glen Scruggs, a retired Oregon police officer has […]

Greater Hells Canyon Region

This video highlights the importance of the Greater Hells Canyon Region for wildlife migration and climate resiliency. This special place is located in NE Oregon, right on the Idaho border.

Wolf Lichen

Do you ever see some bright green, shrubby looking creature on a gravel ride? This organism is likely Letharia Vulpina (and no it does not have magic or poisonous powers like a spell) which is also knows as Wolf Lichen. Bryologist, mycologist, and lichenologist Tim Wheeler works to dedicate his life studies towards nonvascular plants and […]

Fish Hatcheries: The Insider View

What is a fish hatchery? Why are they important? What fish do they raise? What impacts the survival of the fish? Our guest is Kyle Bratcher who is a District Fish Biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and he will discuss fish hatcheries with an emphasis on the Wallowa Hatchery in Enterprise, OR.

We promise, the […]

Untangling the Geological History of the Wallowa Mountains

The Wallowa Mountains in NE Oregon have the most complicated and longest geological history of any range in Oregon. In this podcast, we talk with Dr. Kim Ely, a geologist, about this unique and beautiful area. Learn how to “untangle what you see” when riding in the Wallowas!

Clipping Fins!

Wildlife technicians use various methods to clip adipose fins so that anglers can differentiate between wild and hatchery salmon. In this 2-minute video, learn what is an adipose fin, how wild and hatchery-raised […]

Trailhead Stewardship Project

Learn about the great trail work being done by the Trailhead Stewardship Project in the Wallowa – Whitman Nationa Forest near Baker City, Oregon. The Stewardship Project is an outreach effort by the Trailhead Bike shop in downtown […]

Blue Mountain Land Trust

We all have heard the term “land trust”. But, do you really know what a land trust does? Why land trusts may be the most important element to recreation and wildlife habitat conservation moving forward? In this podcast, we speak with Amanda Martino, the Conservation Director, with the […]