Lands / General

Wolverines – Fact or Fiction?

Jason Kirchner joins us from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Newport, Oregon to dive into one of nature’s most enigmatic creatures: the wolverine. As the District Wildlife Biologist, he answers questions like: What are wolverines? What do they look like? How do they behave? Where do they reside? Separating fact from fiction, we […]

Beauty out of Chaos: Sand Dunes

Learn all about sand dunes! How they form. How they move. What sand is. This is a fascinating and informative watch. 16 minutes.

Wolf Lichen

Do you ever see some bright green, shrubby looking creature on a gravel ride? This organism is likely Letharia Vulpina (and no it does not have magic or poisonous powers like a spell) which is also knows as Wolf Lichen. Bryologist, mycologist, and lichenologist Tim Wheeler works to dedicate his life studies towards nonvascular plants and […]

The Balance of Recreation and Conservation

In this podcast, we discuss the balance of conservation and recreation, and what recreational enthusiasts can do to protect the lands that are important to them. Joining us is John Sterling who severed for 17 years as the Executive Director of the Conservation Alliance. Prior to that, he was the Director of Environmental Programs at […]

Wildlife Encounters – What To Do When You Feel Threatened

What happens if I encounter wildlife and I feel scared or threatened? This is a compilation of two interviews, one with Amy Stuart, who worked for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for 30 years, and another […]

Wildlife Impact Part 2

We continue our discussion on the impact we have as cyclists have on wildlife and our surroundings. Joining us are Lauri Turner and Brock McCormick who are both Wildlife Biologists with the Deschutes National Forest in Central Oregon.

Wildlife Impact Part 1

As a cyclist, I usually think I don’t have much of an impact on my natural surroundings when I ride. I’m on a bike, it’s not motorized, it’s fairly quiet. Join our conversation as we learn about the impact we as cyclists have on wildlife and how we can mitigate this impact. Our guest today is […]