The following is an excerpt from an email written by Cris Doty of Deschutes County. Dated January 7, 2020.
The Bull Springs Road sign has previously been an issue between the property owner and the cycling community. The restrictions espoused on the sign are not enforceable – however the implied warnings are indisputable given the significant heavy truck traffic on the road. Public access to Bull Springs Road is not restricted (other than via the approved winter deer range gate located to the west). The County has previously requested that the property owner remove the sign on behalf of the cycling community. This request led to a dialogue between the property owner and a member of the local cycling community, however I do not know the outcome of that dialogue. Regardless, the sign remains.
As much as I would like to see the sign removed, as the County’s road official I remain of the opinion that the sign’s presence does not trigger any criteria that would require our involvement. I am very familiar with the property owner and his concerns with safety and the issues that he has observed such that he felt this sign was warranted – and I respect those concerns. While the sign may dissuade some lawful use, it’s general placement (tacked to a tree) and lack of standard traffic sign appearance has not resulted in the desired prohibition of cycling as many in the community are aware of the status of the road and proceed accordingly.
Please feel free to distribute this opinion to the member of the public who approached BPAC with the concern. Please contact me or respond with any additional questions, comments, or concerns.
Thanks again,
Chris Doty, PE | Director
61150 SE 27th Street | Bend, Oregon 97702
Tel: (541) 322-7105 | Fax: (541) 388-2719 | Cell: (541) 279-1134