COTA Initial Chainsaw Certification Training

Dirty Freehub, in partnership with COTA, is offering a chainsaw certification class.  This 2 day class will be approximately 8 hours of classroom discussion followed by a full day in the field for evaluations.


Training material will be “Developing Thinking Sawyers” which was developed by the USFS.


Most students who receive initial training leave with an A certification. Individuals who show safe working knowledge and solid saw skills can in some cases receive a B certification. Certification is good for 3 years in your national forest.

Saw Instructors/Evaluators:

  • Joe , Lev, Gary, Don of COTA
  • Jim and David of SWATS


  • Before taking a saw class, you must have a current OSHA-approved First Aid/CPR certification with an in-person evaluation. You can send in your active card here.
    • April 11 from 4p to 8p at the COTA bunker. Cost: $25. Email
    • April 26 from 9a to 1p at the COTA bunker. Cost: $25. Email
  • Must be at least 18 years old

Gear to bring:

  • A working chainsaw. Must have 5 safety features. (chain break, chain catch, throttle interlock, anti-vibration system and spark arrestor)
  • Required PPE. Note that chaps must cover boots by 2”
  • Food/drinks for snacks and lunch
  • Bug spray, sunblock, etc.
  • First Aid kit, with a recommended Bleed kit (Tourniquet)

If you do not have certain PPE items or a chainsaw – please let us know. We have extra gear.

What to Wear/Bring in the field

  • Long pants, long sleeve shirt, work gloves, safety glasses, boots (no tennis shoes), chaps, hearing protection
  • Backpack for Gear (saw tools, water, rain jacket, wedges, small Ax, first aid kit)

For more information and registration, click here.

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